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In recent years, the term "chelate" is very popular in the micro fertilizer industry. Chelate can be found in all kinds of exhibitions and product descriptions, and even products such as "chelate boron" and "chelate potassium" . It's really astonishing, dumbfounded and speechless, which not only makes farmers and dealers without professional knowledge true or false It's difficult to distinguish. Even many liquid fertilizer manufacturers are confused and confused, so that those profiteering lawless elements exploit the loopholes, causing a lot of losses to manufacturers, dealers and users, and having a very bad impact on the healthy development of China's agricultural and chemical industry. Then, what kind of chelating products are qualified good products? The author talks about it based on years of experience Talk about my superficial understanding for your reference.

在微量元素这一行业门道也多,良莠不齐,就拿在国内比较流行使用的EDDHA和EDTA螯合微量元素来说,市面上就有大大低于成本价的产品,这不得不让人使用起来不放心。而这类产品往往是掺混有无机态的硫酸盐(亦有掺混低价无机物如:柠檬酸钙、乙酸铁等),比如;硫酸锌(锌含量22%、全水溶),硫酸铜(铜含量25%、全水溶),硫酸锰( 锰含量32%、全水溶),硫酸亚铁( 铁含量20%、全水溶),硝酸锌,氯化锌等,有些产品甚至全是无机态的微量元素,也号称是螯合态的,其使用效果相差几十倍至几百倍,而价格相差几倍至几十倍。国内市面上以EDTA螯合态微肥为主,还有DTPA螯合肥,HEDTA螯合肥,EDDHA螯合肥等系列产品。不同的螯合剂各有不同的特点,可在不同作物和土壤中应用。有些用户贪图便宜,往往上当受骗。欺骗手段之一是产品的金属元素含量是够的,往往用户就认为是好产品,殊不知,这类产品往往是加有无机盐的劣质产品。

In the trace element industry, there are many ways, good and bad, take the domestic popular use of eddha and EDTA chelating trace elements, there are products on the market that are much lower than the cost price, which have to make people feel uneasy. And this kind of products are often mixed with inorganic sulfate (also mixed with low-cost inorganic substances such as calcium citrate, iron acetate, etc.), such as; Zinc sulfate (zinc content of 22%, fully water-soluble), copper sulfate (copper content of 25%, fully water-soluble), manganese sulfate (manganese content of 32%, fully water-soluble), ferrous sulfate (iron content of 20%, fully water-soluble), zinc nitrate, zinc chloride, etc. some products are even all inorganic trace elements, also known as chelated state, and their use effect is dozens to hundreds of times different, while the price is several to dozens of times different. In the domestic market, EDTA chelated micro fertilizer is mainly used, and there are DTPA chelating fertilizer, HEDTA chelating fertilizer, edtti chelating fertilizer, eddha chelating fertilizer and other series products. Different chelating agents have different characteristics and can be used in different crops and soils. For example, the market price of EDTA zinc is about 19000 yuan / ton, while some manufacturers sell it for less than 14000 yuan / ton, which is much lower than the cost price. Some users covets cheap, often deceived.One of the means of deception is that the metal content of the product is enough, often users think it is a good product, but they do not know that this kind of product is often added with inorganic salt of inferior products.


Chelating trace element refers to the reversible chemical reaction process in which metal trace element ions react with chelating agent to form chelates under specific conditions.A process in which plants release trace element ions for plant absorption under the action of electric field in organisms.The physical characteristics of chelate trace elements are easy to be absorbed by plants, stable solution, long standing without precipitation, no stratification, chelate anti-low temperature, can resist -25 degrees low temperature and no icing.It is the best foliar fertilizer for crops with low temperature and early frost in northern areas.


Here are some identification methods for your reference.

一、测定其金属的含量 Determination of its metal content

螯合微量元素一般有六种,以EDTA 螯合系列为例,即EDTA铁(铁含量13%), EDTA铜(铁含量15%)、 EDTA锰(锰含量13%)、EDTA锌(锌含量15%)、EDTA钙(钙含量10%)、EDTA镁(镁含量6%),其含量不会多也不会少。很多含量高了许多、低了许多,肯定都是假冒伪劣产品,不是..。其金属元素含量一般厂家检测不了,可送到权威测试中心用原子光谱测定。

There are generally six chelating trace elements, taking EDTA chelating series as an example, that is, EDTA iron (13% iron), EDTA copper (15% iron), EDTA manganese (13% manganese), EDTA zinc (15% zinc), EDTA calcium (10% calcium), EDTA magnesium (6% magnesium), the content of which will not be more or less.Many content is much higher, much lower, certainly are fake and shoddy products, not genuine.Its metal element content general manufacturer can not detect, can be sent to the authority test center with atomic spectrometric determination.

二、络合度的检测 Detection of complexation degree


Complexation degree, also known as the degree of chelation, is to test whether all the metal elements of the product are chelated, but also to check whether the addition of inorganic salt is an important means.

取2克产品溶解于20毫升水中,加入10毫升10%浓度的碳酸钠(又称纯碱)和5毫升5%浓度的磷酸二氢钠,混匀,若溶液清澈,则络合度合格。若浑浊或有沉淀产生,则络合度不合格。(若 无磷酸氢二钠可用全水溶的磷酸一铵或者磷酸二氢钾代替,但碳酸钠就要加40毫升),若产品里有硫酸锌、锰等无机盐,这一方法能立即检查出来,会出现大量沉淀。

Dissolve 2 grams of the product in 20 mL of water, add 10 mL of sodium carbonate with 10% concentration (also known as soda soda) and 5 mL of sodium dihydrogen phosphate with 5% concentration, mix well. If the solution is clear, the degree of complexation is qualified.If there is turbidity or precipitation, the degree of complexation is not qualified.(If no disodium hydrogen phosphate can be replaced by fully water-soluble monoammonium phosphate or potassium dihydrogen phosphate, but sodium carbonate should be added 40 ml), if the product contains zinc sulfate, manganese and other inorganic salts, this method can be immediately detected, there will be a large amount of precipitation.

三、检查是否含有阴离子硫酸根 Check for anionic sulfate


The detection method is to dissolve 5g product, acidify it with hydrochloric acid (pH value is about 1), add 20% barium chloride solution, if there is white precipitation, it indicates the existence of sulfate. Genuine chelating trace elements should not contain sulfate, chloride, etc.


In short, if the content of the products is enough, complexing degree qualified, no sulfuric acid root, can be initially determined the product is good, of course there are other indicators, the appearance, PH, water content, etc., it is worth mentioning that EDDHA iron has a very important index which ortho values of high and low, different values of ortho its physiological activity is different, the price is different also, in a word, only after all the test of the project, to determine the product of qualified products.

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