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产品信息|Products information:红褐色至黑色粉末或微粒Reddish brown to black powder or particle螯合铁含量Chelating Iron Co.…

content details

产品信息|Products information:

红褐色至黑色粉末或微粒Reddish brown to black powder or particle

螯合铁含量Chelating Iron Content

C18H16N2O6FeK 是一种稳定的水溶性金属螯合物,其中铁以螯合态稳定存在。

C18H16N2O6FeK is a stable water-soluble metal chelate, in which iron is stable in chelated state.

堆积密度Packing Density


产品特点|Products characteristics:

EDDHA-FeK 是杨凌益妙螯合技术有限公司研发生产的更新产品。产品从螯合剂的合成开始将钠离子置换为钾离子,在改变作物缺铁黄化的基础上对作物缺钾引起的营养性障碍也有特殊的矫治效果,在土壤中PH 值4-9的范围中有卓越的稳定性。

Eddha FEK is a new product developed and produced by Yangling Yimiao chelating Technology Co., Ltd. Starting from the synthesis of chelating agent, sodium ion is replaced by potassium ion. On the basis of changing the yellowing of crops due to iron deficiency, the product also has a special correction effect on the nutritional obstacles caused by potassium deficiency of crops, and has excellent stability in the range of pH value of 4-9 in soil.


Yimiao eddha-fek iron potassium salt does not contain chlorine, sodium and phosphorus. It is environmentally friendly and safe for crops. It is suitable for all kinds of crops. It has good solubility. It can be mixed with various fertilizers. It has good compatibility and is easy to use. It can be stored for a long time with high safety, good slow release and long effective period.


Eddha FEK iron potassium salt enhanced the efficient utilization of metal salts. It can improve photosynthesis, catch plant growth, improve plant photosynthesis and plant enzyme activity, improve disease resistance, drought tolerance, grain development speed, cold resistance and crop growth, development, yield, sugar conversion and quality

施用方法和用量Applied Method and Dosage


Spray: dilute the product 1500-2000 times and spray on the leaves

· 根施:将本品稀释500-600倍绕果树树冠挖6-8个15-20厘米的深沟或绕树冠挖15-20厘米的深槽,将溶液平均倒入沟内(槽内)填埋即可。

Root application: dilute the product 500-600 times, dig 6-8 15-20 cm deep ditches around the tree crown of fruit trees or dig 15-20 cm deep grooves around the tree crown, and evenly pour the solution into the ditch (groove) for landfill.

· 柑橘、柚、柠檬、苹果、梨、桃、猕猴桃等果树类20-50克/株、枇杷30-50克/株、葡萄10-20克/株、草莓2000-5000克/亩、花生1000-2000克/亩、苗圃1000-3000克/亩、花卉3000-6000克/亩。

Citrus, pomelo, lemon, apple, pear, peach, kiwi fruit and other fruit trees 20-50 g/plant, loquat 30-50 g/plant, grape 10-20 g/plant, strawberry 2000-5000 g/mu, peanut 1000-2000 g/mu, nursery 1000-3000 g/mu, flowers 3000-6000 g/mu.

