

作物的营养临界期和.大效率期与施肥效果关系.密切。The nutrition critical period and maximum efficiency period of crops are …

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The nutrition critical period and maximum efficiency period of crops are most closely related to the fertilization effect.


Nutritional critical period refers to the period during which a crop requires little nutrients in a certain growth period, but the lack or excess of nutrients or the imbalance of nutrient elements will cause significant adverse effects on the growth and development of crops.For most crops, the critical period generally appears in the early growth stage, The critical period of phosphorus appears earlier Nitrogen comes next, and potassium comes later.So in the production of often used as seed fertilizer to ensure that the early growth of crops to get enough phosphorus.The critical stage of nitrogen nutrition, the three leaf stage and the young panicle differentiation stage of rice;Wheat and maize in the early tillering and panicle differentiation stage.The critical period of potassium nutrition in rice is early tillering and young panicle formation.According to research, tillering stops when K content is below 1.0% at tillering stage.The number of grains per panicle decreased significantly when potassium content was less than 1.0% during panicle formation.


The critical value is that when the nutrient in the crop is lower than a certain concentration, the growth or yield of the crop decreases obviously, and the crop shows the symptom of nutrient deficiency. For example, the critical value of potassium at tillering stage and young panicle formation stage is 1.0% .

在不同时期所施用的肥料对增产的效果有很大的差别,其中有一个时期肥料的营养效果好,这个时期称为营养.大效率期。也就是各单位养分获得的经济产量.高。.大效率往往与作物需要养分.多的时期相一致。据研究,豌豆.大效率期是在它生长15—40天时间;茄子是从开始结果到盛果期;玉米在喇叭口形成至抽雄时是氮、钾.大效率期限 ,开花至乳熟期是磷的.大效率期。

The effect of fertilizer application in different periods is different, and there is a period of fertilizer nutrition effect is good, this period is called nutrition maximum efficiency period. That is, the economic output of each nutrient is the highest. Maximum efficiency tends to coincide with the period when crops need the most nutrients. According to the research, the most efficient period of PEA is 15 ~ 40 days, eggplant is from the beginning of fruiting to the full fruiting period, corn is from the trumpet mouth to Tasseling is the most efficient period of nitrogen and potassium, and flowering to milk is the most efficient period of phosphorus.


The maximum nutrient efficiency period of different crops is different, which can be determined by field experiment. The idea is to divide the growing season into distinct stages, and then apply the same amount of fertilizer to each stage to see which produces the highest economic yield, and which is the nutrient efficiency period.
