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In addition to the roots of plants can absorb nutrients, leaves and green branches can also absorb nutrients. Spraying nutrient-containing solutions onto the aboveground parts of the crop (mainly the leaves) is called root fertilization, or foliar fertilization.


External Fertilization has the advantage of:


1) direct supply of effective nutrients to the crop to prevent fixation or transformation in the soil to reduce fertilizer efficiency.


2) when the absorption of roots is weak, fertilization outside the roots can make the crops absorb nutrients easily. For example, spraying urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaves at the late stage of rice growth would have a good effect.


3) the absorption and transformation of nutrient by leaves are faster than that by roots, which can supplement the nutrient needs of crops in time. For example, application of urea in soil usually takes 4 to 5 days, but application outside the root usually takes 1 to 2 days. Therefore, external root fertilization is effective in the prevention and treatment of element deficiency.


4) external root fertilization is suitable for mechanization and economical and effective. The amount of fertilizer applied outside the root is usually only about 10% of that applied in the soil, and many fertilizers, especially urea, can be applied in combination with many pesticides. Save Time and Labor; high efficiency and quick effect if using mechanical spraying. External root fertilization is most suitable for fruit, tea and vegetable cultivation.
